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Drug & Alcohol Policy

Snow College has a zero tolerance drug and alcohol policy. The Federal Government enacted the Drug-Free School and Community Act on December 12th 1989. Institutions receiving federal funds under any federal program must certify that they have adopted a policy and implemented a program to prevent the unlawful possession, use of, or distribution of alcohol and illicit drugs by students. To comply with this federal requirement, Snow College has established the following drug and alcohol free policy.

Snow College recognizes both the legal and social consideration relative to personal behavior and habits. Any activity that violates state, federal or local law is prohibited at Snow College. This includes driving under the influence; the possessing or drinking of alcoholic beverages by minors; driving under the influence of, possessing, trafficking in, or misusing alcohol, any narcotic, any dangerous/unlawful drug, or any other substance controlled by local, state or federal law, in any college building or on college grounds or elsewhere within the College Community, including on and off-campus housing. Sanctions could include fines, community service hours, mandatory drug/alcohol counseling/education/ treatment, probation, suspension, expulsion and referral to civil authorities.

Students who are legally of age to smoke may do so if it does not infringe upon the rights of non-smokers. Smoking is permitted on college grounds, but not in college buildings nor within 25 feet of any building entrance.

Snow College students are responsible for their own citizenship. They are expected to obey all federal and state laws and local ordinances. Students are answerable to law enforcement authorities for law violations.

Violations of federal or state laws or local ordinances will be reported to law enforcement authorities, regardless of whether such violations occur on school campus grounds, school property, in local communities, or at college-sponsored activities. Any student charged with violating federal, state, or local laws will be subject to Snow College disciplinary action regardless of pending court actions.

Students who violate Snow College’s Drug and Alcohol Policy will be referred to the Director of Student Life, who will investigate the offense and will meet with the complainant to determine whether the case will be resolved by the Director of Student Life or referred to the Student Standards Committee.

Alcohol and illegal drugs cause liver, heart, brain, and other organ damage. They also contribute to emotional, mental and psychological disorders. They impair the ability to make safe, responsible decisions. Binge drinking can cause death from alcohol poisoning.

The following resources are available for students who want help with alcohol or drug issues.

  • Snow College Counseling and Wellness Center
    (435) 283-7136, Business Building Portable #2
  • IHC Health Center
    (435) 283-4076, 525 North Main, Ephraim
  • Central Utah Counseling
    (435) 283-4065 or 1-800-658-8431, 390 West 100 North, Ephraim
    (435) 896-8236, 255 South Main, Richfield
  • IHC Sanpete Valley Hospital
    (435) 462-2441, 1100 South Medical Drive, Mt. Pleasant
  • Gunnison Valley Hospital
    (435) 528-7246, 64 East 100 North, Gunnison
  • IHC Sevier Valley Medical Center
    (435) 896-8271, 1000 North Main, Richfield
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